Why work with me?

You’ll go outside your comfort zone.

Especially for introverts or those who work primarily alone, it’s easy to become enmeshed in your own world. Coaching will give you the push you need to step outside your comfort zone, meet new people, and try new things. Even extroverts can get caught in a rut - coaching will help get you out again.

Turn your ideas into reality.

Although you may have many brilliant ideas for your personal or career development, sometimes it's hard to know where to start and what to tackle first. We will evaluate your plans, assess if they are realistic or will be successful and set out a way that you can implement them correctly.

You’ll be held accountable for what really matters.

Life is often complex, whether you run your own business or you’re a stay-at-home parent. You get busy and push things off, even when you know they’re important. This is where I come in, helping you prioritize the vital things you need to accomplish in order to achieve your goals, and then keeping you accountable to doing so.

Personal attention from someone who knows your situation - inside and out.

Group sessions and mentors can be helpful, but personal coaching will focus more on you than any other developmental investment. There are few times when someone is going to focus on you for an entire hour, probing you about something that happened 3 months ago, a work issue from, last week, or your relationship style.

You’ll identify & overcome obstacles.

All too often, the thing blocking from accomplishing what you want isn’t an outside force or the vagaries of fate - it’s yourself. Whether it’s a latent fear of success, being unable to see the steps necessary to progress, or one of many other possibilities, I can help you identify the things holding you back and break through them.

Gain a valuable, necessary confidante.

It's often hard to talk to people about your true concerns. Life partners, employees, peers and friends don't get it for different reasons. There's a lot of noise in your head and around you. As your coach, I can provide that confidential, quiet space to focus, be a soundboard, and problem-solve the priorities and challenges you face.

You’ll finally have someone who isn’t afraid of correcting you.

Every great team has a coach, from the NFL to the NBA to elite businesses. Unlike many of your peers, I’m not afraid to respectfully confront you and tell you when you're doing something incorrectly. I have a proven method to success and can help you take your life, career, or business to the next level.

You’ll hear unbiased opinions.

I take the time to get to know you, rather than hyper-focusing on a specific topic and coming in with preconceptions about your situation. Our sessions provide a great forum for your goals and the obstacles you face achieving them, since I can often see things you may miss by being too close to the situation.

Develop Self-Confidence.

Working with me will help you leverage not just your own successes and failures, but also mine. You get the chance to build your strategy using the lessons learned from someone else’s experience in life, career, and business that gives you a leg up on everyone else who lacks that opportunity.